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“Constellations” | An exhibition organized as part of Copernicus Festival 2023: Cosmos!

For years, scholars have been asking themselves about the boundaries of cosmos, the principles that govern its functioning, and our place in it. Similarly, artists test the boundaries of art, look for the reach of creative matter and coincidence, consciously rejecting the previously worked out laws.

Constellations is a story of abstraction that goes beyond the framework of a painter’s microcosm. It is an observation of creative processes that meet and intertwine, forming completely new, inter-generational forms. It is a story of artists who share gestures and fascination with painting as energy; the arrangement of colors on a surface is only a result of this. Finally, it is an overview of a painter’s search the boundaries of which are unknown, much like those of cosmos.

From 19 May 2023 to 25 June 2023
Tuesday to Sunday, between 11:00 AM and 7:00 PM
Vernissage: 22 May 2023, 6:00 PM
Galeria Szatnia, Cricoteka, Nadwiślańska 2–4
Free admission

Accompanying events

The exhibition presents videos, paintings, and installations that build a space for educational, social, and performative activities.
Artists: Marcin Janusz, Tadeusz Kantor, Antoni Nurzyński, Sarkis, Wilhelm Sasnal, Katarzyna Szymkiewicz, Mieczysław Waśkowski
Curators: Justyna Droń, Kamil Kuitkowski, Natalia Zarzecka
Collaboration: Anna Bargiel, Mariusz Gąsior, Joanna Gorzałczany, Maciej Jagoda, Sabina Janeczko, Marcin Miętus, Aldona Mikulska, Monika Nęcka, Andrea Nikolov, Kinga Nowak, Paweł Panic, Maria Pieniążek, Tomasz Stefaniak, Aleksandra Treder
Organizers: the CRICOTEKA Center for the Documentation of the Art of Tadeusz Kantor, the Copernicus Center Foundation (the Copernicus Center for Interdisciplinary Studies), the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków


Some sort of tissue free of tensions, contrasts, uniform, monotonous, tragically empty, flowing from shore to shore like water.
Some sort of a cosmic continuum. No time and no space.
An image filled with this—could be an organism.
Instead of action—SILENCE and EMPTINESS.
Nothing is happening… It lasts.
Tadeusz Kantor, 1947

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