The Division of Collections and Exibitions

The Division of Collections and exhibitions safeguards the complete collection of theatre costumes, objects and props linked with theatre performances, as well as artworks by Tadeusz Kantor, including a collection of his drawings. The artist wished to preserve objects linked with theatre performances of outstanding artistic value. With this purpose in mind, in 1984 he formed a special commission, which confirmed the artwork status of 24 key artefacts used in Cricot 2 Theatre performances. This gesture laid the foundations of Cricoteka’s collection.

The Division of Collections and Exhibitions includes the following departments:

Dept 6. Costumes,

Dept 7. Objects, stage props,

Dept 8. Artworks,

Dept 9. Furniture, elements of interior design of museum value,


The Division loans items from Tadeusz Kantor Museum collection, according to the Guidelines.

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