Archival exhibitions

“Constellations” | An exhibition organized as part of Copernicus Festival 2023: Cosmos!

For years, scholars have been asking themselves about the boundaries of cosmos, the principles that govern its functioning, and our place in it. Similarly, artists test the boundaries of art, look for the reach of creative matter and coincidence, consciously rejecting the previously worked out laws. Constellations is a story of abstraction that goes beyond […]

Wrap up! Exhibition of Tadeusz Kantor’s emballages

Ambalaże, Polish word coined from the French emballage meaning “packaging” was one of Kantor’s main creative strategies. The symbolic gesture of wrapping up an object or a figure is related to the need to guard, protect, fix, hide. Earlier, the artist fled from creating images of bodies and objects into abstract art. Emballages let him “touch […]

Goplana and the Elves

The exhibition evokes questions about the rank and status of objects. Goplana with Elves were not meant to be a decoration, but to “embody a stage character”. For Kantor, the object as a “form – a spatial sculpture with a metaphorical function” became an element of ambient art; arranging a space which is meant to […]

Thirty to Tomorrow | Robert Kuśmirowski

“Thirty to Tomorrow” is a temporary group exhibition created by Robert Kuśmirowski in collaboration with curators Magdalena Ujma-Gawlik and Kamil Kuitkowski, with the participation of artists Marek Chlanda, Andrzej Dudek Dürer, Krzysztof Leon Dziemaszkiewicz, Jan Gryka, Mikołaj Smoczyński, Maciej Świeszewski and Daniel Zagórski.

Fragment ekspozycji; sztaluga, butelka i kieliszek

Tadeusz Kantor. “The Whole Life Is a Theater”

Tadeusz Kantor. “The Whole Life is a Theater”. Presentation of frames of paintings from the play “Today Is My Birthday” by Cricot 2 Theatre. 7/5 Sienna Street, intercom 8, 31-041 Kraków. Monday – Wednesday, 12:00-16:00. Admission to the Gallery-Workshop and Kantor’s Room is free.   Living in his atelier at 7/5 Sienna Street in Krakow […]

Toy Showcase

 “Toy Showcase” is an exhibition of historical toys from the collection of the Sosenko family, curated by people drawn from the general public. Temporary exhibition Cricoteka, 2-4 Nadwiślańska Street, 30-527 Kraków Thursday – Sunday, 11:00 – 19:00 Exhibition open until 29 August 2021 Admission free Accessibility   “Toy Showcose” is an exhibition of historical toys […]

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