From March 21 to December 8, 2024, Cricoteka will host an exhibition of Jerzy Bereś, one of Poland’s most important avant-garde artists. “Bereś” is the first major presentation of his work since the artist’s death in 2012, which consists of two closely related streams: sculptures and manifestations. An extensive accompanying program is also planned – male and female performers will be invited to dialogue with Bereś’ work. Also planned is the opportunity to establish a direct relationship with some of the original objects by touching and setting them in motion.
Opening hours:
Tuesday – Sunday 11am–7pm
Ticket prices:
PLN 20 regular ticket
PLN 10 reduced ticket
free entrance on Wednesdays
The Jerzy Bereś exhibition at Cricoteka, created in cooperation with the Maria Pinińska-Bereś and Jerzy Bereś Foundation, takes place on the 60th anniversary of the artist’s first individual exhibition, organized on the initiative of Grupa Krakowska at Krzysztofory Gallery. Bereś is another exhibition at Cricoteka that presents the works of artists who were closely associated with Tadeusz Kantor.
In the case of Bereś, the dialogue and discussion with Kantor were intense and significant, they are also an important piece in the history of the Krakow avant-garde in the second half of the 20th century. The exhibition features sculptures from all periods of Bereś’ work (from 1956 to 2012), archival footage and video essays that comment on his performative work. The exhibition’s goal is to bring one of the most important Polish artists closer to contemporary audiences, by putting together the themes and contexts in which Bereś worked and which he opposed and yet are still relevant today. Bereś was a rebellious artist who criticised the aesthetic, social and political norms. Therefore, this exhibition is an excellent opportunity to once again attempt to decipher his art in the context of both the current political situation and post-anthropocentric trends that question the hitherto (superior) position of man in the world.
The Bereś exhibition is accompanied by an extensive performative programme and by the Bereś/Kantor exhibition, at the Tadeusz Kantor Gallery-Studio.
Organizatorzy/Organizers: Cricoteka i Fundacja im. Marii Pinińskiej-Bereś i Jerzego Beresia
Partnerzy i współpraca/Partners and Cooperation: Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Jana Matejki w Krakowie, Wydział Intermediów, Open Eyes Art Festival
Kuratorzy wystawy / Exhibition curators: Jerzy Hanusek, Kamil Kuitkowski, Natalia Zarzecka
Aranżacja wystawy / Exhibition arrangement: Parastudio*
Identyfikacja graficzna / Graphic identity: Krzysztof Radoszek
Opieka konserwatorska / Maintenance: Joanna Gorzałczany
Katalog / Catalogue: Magdalena Link-Lenczowska
Eseje wideo / Video essays: Jakub Drewnicki, Tadeusz Pyrczak
Oświetlenie i multimedia / Lighting and multimedia: Mariusz Gąsior, Michał Warmusz, Andrea Nikolov, Tomasz Czado
Prace budowlane / Construction works: Gerard Piasecki, Michał Spolitakiewicz, OTIO Tomasz Indyk, Tomasz Stefaniak
Dostępność / Accessibility: Anna Rejowska, Stowarzyszenie Dobrze
Koordynacja programu performatywnego / Coordination of the performative programme: Wiktor Bury
Program edukacyjny / Educational programme: Anna Bargiel, Justyna Droń
Promocja / Promotion: Laura Iwanczewska, Małgorzata Kmita-Fugiel, Zofia Mikołajska, Andrea Nikolov
Zespół realizujący / Implementation team: Bettina Bereś, Joanna Geroch, Piotr Golonka, Ewa Kaczmarczyk, Agata Klakla, Józef Legierski, Anna Lejtkowska, Michał Lelek, Piotr Masoń, Aldona Mikulska, Andrea Nikolov, Agnieszka Oprządek, Małgorzata Paluch -Cybulska, Paweł Panic, Anna Pulit, Tomasz Pietrucha, Anna Rejowska, Bogdan Renczyński, Maciej Satała, Aleksandra Treder, Magdalena Ujma, Krzysztof Wilk, Olena Yanushewska, Dorota Ziajko
Prace użyczyli / Works lend by: Fundacja Marii Pinińskiej-Bereś i Jerzego Beresia, Centrum Rzeźby Polskiej w Orońsku, Galeria Dawid Radziszewski, Piotr Marzec, Anna i Robert Wolakowie
oraz / and: kolekcjonerzy prywatni / private collectors
Patronat medialny / Media partners: Restart, Notes Na 6 Tygodni, Magazyn SZUM,, Rynek i Sztuka, Radio Kraków, Kraków Culture Karnet, TVPKultura
Dofinansowano ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego pochodzących z Funduszu Promocji Kultury
Co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage from the Culture Promotion Fund