Confusing Concepts. Theatre workshops with actors of the Cricot 2 Theatre

This year’s series of theatre workshops is focused around ‘confusing concepts’, the terms described by Tadeusz Kantor in his texts. Actors of the Cricot 2 Theatre – Roman Siwulak, Ludmiła Ryba, Andrzej Kowalczyk, Andrzej and Teresa Wełmiński, Bogdan Renczyński and Tomasz Dobrowolski – were invited to collaborate and prepared a plan of their workshops working around five concepts distinguished by Kantor: ‘imitation’, ‘copying’, ‘pretending’, ‘mock-up’ and ‘wreckage’. Participants referring to the theoretical text when working on stage will have a better understanding of the artist’s ideas and will learn how to put them into practice.


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All workshops, connected by a common denominator – ‘confusing concepts’, will display the differences in actors’ individual approach to Tadeusz Kantor’s work. Owing to the differences in the manner of conducting workshops, the choice of form of the final show or topics discussed, participants and audiences watching the shows will be able to observe the diversity of the Cricot 2 Theatre ensemble. Participation in several workshops will provide a better understanding of personal approaches to Tadeusz Kantor’s legacy represented by each of the facilitators.

Workshops are addressed to students and graduates of art schools as well as people of any age wishing to develop their drama skills and become acquainted with the practice of the Cricot 2 Theatre.

You are cordially invited!




4–10 July
Ludmiła Ryba


11–17 July
Roman Siwulak


8–14 August
Andrzej Kowalczyk


19–25 September
Andrzej and Teresa Wełmiński


17–21 October
Bogdan Renczyński


24–27 October
Tomasz Dobrowolski


Owing to the collaboration with the Theatre Institute this year’s workshops by Andrzej and Teresa Wełmiński will be held both in Krakow and Warsaw. Workshops at the Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute: 22–26 August 2016.



To enrol in the workshop, buy a ticket online or at the box office. By purchasing a ticket a participant agrees to the terms and conditions which require a signed consent of all workshop participants.

Fee for each workshop (snack and stage set facilities): 120 PLN.
Every second and next workshop: 60 PLN (the discound includes also paricipants of Cricoteka’s theatre worshop 2015).

If you have any questions you can contact us:








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