Ticket for a ticket in ICC and Cricoteka

Centre for Documentation of the Art of Tadeusz Kantor and the International Cultural Centre in Krakow have a pleasure to announce a joint action “ticket for a ticket” within the exhibition Makom. Dani Karavan. The essence of place in the ICC and Tadeusz Kantor. Episode Two in Cricoteka.


In the price of  the admission ticket to a single institution, visitors will receive free admission to the other.
The action lasts from 27 June to 20 September 2015.



We wish to present a wide audience othe art of the two friendly artists, enabling the extraction of the similarities and differences between the artists whose  inspirations came from similar sources. A special part of the exhibition Makom in ICC is Hommage à Tadeusz Kantor – Installation by Dani Karavan created specifically for the ICC Gallery relating to the long-term friendship of Kantor and Karavan.


More info about the Makom. Dani Karavan. The essence of place.

More info about exhibitions in Cricoteka.


    Twój koszyk
    Okładka ze starszym mężczyzną w meloniku i garniturze
    Tadeusz Kantor przed Umarłą Klasą
    2 X 30.00  = 60.00