The Wardrobe
“I have discovered a new theatrical P L A C E… the W A R D R O B E. (Children discovered it much earlier).
I named it the “I N T E R I O R” of imagination.
Dummy people (1960)
The time has come for the theatre. The actor’s living organism, with its heavy load of psychology, becomes replaced by a DUMMY. Like clothes on a coat hanger. In a wardrobe. The actor’s performance forces its way through the resistant and strange substance to find – deep inside, as if at the bottom of hell – the human image.”
Halczak, Anna and Pleśniarowicz, Krzysztof (ed.). Tadeusz Kantor. Przedmioty, klisze pamięci… [Tadeusz Kantor. Objects, Celluloid of Memory…] Wrocław: BWA, 1990, p. 13-14.