The Wanderings of Cricot 2 Theatre

A scene from the play The Theatre of Automata continues A group scene photo  J. Dalman

A scene from the play The Theatre of Automata continues A group scene photo J. Dalman

Wrocław Ośrodek Propagandy Sztuki XII 1975
Edinburgh  Festival of Art, College of Art, Prize “Scotsman” VIII 1976
Cardiff Wale’s Sherman Theatre Arena IX 1976


Riverside Studio IX 1976

Exhibition pavilion of SARP XII 1976

Amsterdam Mickery Theatre II-III 1977
Nurnberg Stadttheater III 1977
Nancy Festival Mondial du Théâtre IV-V 1977
Sziraz Festival of Art VIII 1977
Belgrad Festival BITEF – Grand Prix IX 1977
Paris Festival d’Automne  Théâtre National de Chaillot X 1977
Brussels Théâtre 140 X 1977
Gande Academie des Beaux Arts X 1977
Lyon Théátre National Populaire X 1977
Lille Carrefour International du Théâtre, Théâtre Populaire des Flandres XI 1977
Warsaw The Student’s Club “Stodoła”, the Warsaw Polytechnic XII 1977
Florence Pallazzo Pitti, Teatro Rondo di Bacco I 1978
Mediolan Centro di Ricerca per il Teatro I 1978
Adelaide Adelaide Festival of Arts, Recording Hall III 1978
Sydney Opera House III 1978
Zurich Theater 11 V 1978
Geneva Théâtre Plainpalais V 1978
Caracas IV Session Mundial del Teatro de Las Nationes, Grand Prix – Critic Prize VII 1978
Rome Teatro Tenda, Rassegna Internationale del Teatro Popolare VII 1978
Westberlin Berliner Festspiel IX 1978
Stuttgart Kammertheater X 1978
Graz Steirisches Herbst,  Schauspielhaus X 1978
New York La Mama Theatre, Critic Prize OBIE II 1979
Mexico Teatro “El Galéon” IV-V 1979
Mediolan Palazzo Reale V 1979
Stockholm Kulturhuset VI 1979
Cracow The student’s Club “Rotunda” XI 1979
Prato Fabbricone IX 1980
Cracow The Hall of “Sokół” VI 1981
Toga Mura Toga Festival 82 VII 1982
Tokyo Parco 3 VIII 1982
London Riverside Studio XI 1982
Barcelona Poliorama III 1983
Cagliari Pierluigi da Palestrina III 1983
Madrid Teatro Maria Guerrero IV 1983
Warsaw The Students’ Club “Stodoła”, the Warsaw Polytechnic V 1983
Cracow The Hale of “Sokoł” V 1983
Paris Centre Georges Pompidou IX 1983
Geneva Théâtre Plainpalais IX 1983
Murcia Teatro Romea III 1984
Las Palmas Teatro Perez Galdas III-IV 1984
Sevilla The Hale Municipal de Cultura IV 1984
Los Angeles Olympic Arts Festival, Television Center, Studio 9, VII 1984
Tel Aviv Jaffa Harbour Theatre XII 1985
Bari Teatro Petruzzelli V 1986
Paris Théâtre Gémier, Palais de Chaillot V 1989
Pamplona Teatro Gayarre IV 1991
Saragossa Teatro Principal IV 1991
Montreal Theatre Denise Pelletier VI 1991
New York La Mama Theatre VI 1991
Venice Teatro Goldoni VII 1991
Prague Teatr Labirynt IX 1992
Brno Divadlo na Provazku IX 1992
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