The Wandering People

Man with Suitcases (Edgar Wałpor) "The Water-Hen", 1967; the costume is partly preserved; owned by Cricoteka

Man with Suitcases (Edgar Wałpor) “The Water-Hen”, 1967; the costume is partly preserved; owned by Cricoteka

“I came across an unusual model: the Wandering People. Wandering endlessly, without purpose or home, shaped by their passions and their eagerness to “w r a p” their bodies in coats and blankets, immersed in the complicated “a n a t o m y  o f  c l o t h i n g“, in the secrets of  p a r c e l s, p a c k e t s, b a g s, straps and strings, protecting their bodies from the sun, from cold and rain…
Those “models” (a long time ago, when observing tramps in Paris and Cracow, I named them “people incomprehensible to the rest”) – not because of their appearance (“pittoresque”) but because of their separate human philosophy – induced a whole series of my characters, pictures and happenings: “Human emballages”, “Wanderers and their baggage”, “A troupe of travelling artists”, “The idea of art as a journey” (1963).”

Father (Edgar Wałpor) "The Water-Hen", 1967; the costume is partly preserved; owned by Cricoteka

Father (Edgar Wałpor) “The Water-Hen”, 1967; the costume is partly preserved; owned by Cricoteka


Pleśniarowicz, Krzysztof (sel. and ed. by).  Metamorfozy. Teksty o latach 1938-1974. [Metamorphoses. Texts about the years 1928 – 1974] Kraków:  Ośrodek Dokumentacji Sztuki Tadeusza Kantora  Cricoteka, Księgarnia Akademicka, 2000, p. 360.

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