The film “Kantor ist da” 1968

The film “Der Kunstler und seine Welt. Kantor ist da”


A scene from the film "Der Kunstler und seine Welt. Kantor ist da," Saarbrücken TV, 1968

A scene from the film “Der Kunstler und seine Welt. Kantor ist da,” Saarbrücken TV, 1968

At the end of March and at the beginning of April 1968 the artist was in Nuremberg,  where he organized three happenings to be shown in the film “Der Kunstler und seine Welt. Kantor ist da” produced by Saarbrücken TV in cooperation with Dietrich Mahlow from Kunsthalle in Nuremberg.
The film included:


“A Conversation with a Rhinoceros”

“Die Grosse Emballage” and:

“Rembrandt’s Anatomy Lesson”

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