The publication accompanied the exhibition “Zbigniew Gostomski. Returns” organized by Cricoteka. The show presented over a dozen works carefully selected by the artist, highlighting the characteristic features of his art and the range of formal and compositional issues explored by him. The pieces also demonstrated the wealth of the means of expression employed by the artist who practised the traditional and innovative forms of art with equal ease and mastery.
The show included the famous ‘dissertation on colour’, or the work titled 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, (10) from 1974, which addresses, in the artist’s characteristically humorous fashion, the relationship between description and representation of painting, the illusionary Optical Objects, and a sculpture with perfectly balanced proportions – one of his last projects.
The exhibition was scripted and arranged in cooperation with Zbigniew Gostomski before his death in July 2017.
Tłumaczenie: Robert Gałązka;
Korekta w języku angielskim: Anna Meysztowicz, Robert Gałązka;
Projekt i opracowanie graficzne: Pracownia Teren Prywatny;
Wydawca: Ośrodek Dokumentacji Sztuki Tadeusza Kantora CRICOTEKA;
Miejsce wydania: Kraków 2017;
Oprawa:miękka; 79 stron,
Format: 170 x 225 mm;
ISBN: 978-83-61213-06-2