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Rollercoaster 2024 – Space: Some Things Touch | Lia Ujčič and András Engelmann

Sunday, 23/06/2024
23 June 2024, 18:30
 outdoor performance
 Address: Klub Studio, 4 Witolda Budryka Street, Cracow
 Lia Ujčič and András Engelmann (Slovenia/Hungary)

Some Things Touch

Lii Ujčič and András Engelmann build an extremely intimate dialogue of the movement in which space becomes the source of poetics.

“Some Things Touch” is an invitation to caress, hold hands, and hug each other, a guide to touching and smiling at other people.

The piece explores the sense of touch and its importance.  What’s unique about touch, when set against the other senses, is its mutuality. While we can look without being looked back at, we can’t touch without being touched in return.

Through touch we enter new spaces, often very intimate ones. Touch helps us to overcome boundaries. It connects us to the rest of the world.   

By embedding the performance in an outdoor space, which is the theme of the performance, intimacy is juxtaposed with openness, the private with the casual spectator sharing the open public space.

Creation, movement & performance: Lia Ujčič and András Engelmann

Original concept: Lia Ujčič i Vincent Wodrich

Lighting design: Virág Rovó

Music: Rhoda, dné, Elandro

“Rollercoaster” is a programme of modern dance presentations which, for the past seven years, has been organised by Cricoteka and Krakow Dance Theatre. The spectacles, chosen by the curators Paweł Łyskawa and Eryk Makohon, are presented from spring to winter. The theme of the 2024 programme is “Space”, one of the four motion factors, as named by Rudolf von Laban.

Kuratorzy programu / Curators: Paweł Łyskawa, Eryk Makohon

Organizatorzy / Organizers: Cricoteka, Krakowski Teatr Tańca

Zespół realizujący projekt / Project Team: Mariusz Gąsior, Małgorzata Kmita – Fugiel, Józef Legierski, Magdalena Link-Lenczowska, Zofia Mikołajska, Aldona Mikulska, Andrea Nikolov, Agnieszka Oprządek, Anna Rejowska, Aleksandra Treder, Michał Warmusz, Weronika Wawryk, Natalia Zarzecka, Izabela Zawadzka

Identyfikacja graficzna / Graphic design: Wojciech Kołek

Patroni medialni / Media Patrons: Didaskalia Gazeta Teatralna, Gazeta Wyborcza Radio Kraków Radio Kraków Kultura
Wsparcie medialne / Media Support:

Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Miasta Krakowa.

Project co-financed by the City of Krakow.

Dofinansowano ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego pochodzących z Funduszu Promocji Kultury – państwowego funduszu celowego.

Financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage from the Cultural Promotion Fund – a state purpose fund.

Dofinansowano ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego pochodzących z Funduszu Promocji Kultury w ramach programu “Taniec”, realizowanego przez Narodowy Instytut Muzyki i Tańca.

Financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage from the Cultural Promotion Fund within the framework of the “Dance” programme implemented by the National Institute of Music and Dance

Projekt realizowany w ramach programu Beyond Fronta: Bridging Periphery finansowanego ze środków Kreatywna Europa (2023-2026) tworzonego przez partnerów: Krakowski Teatr Tańca, Közép-Európa Táncszínház / Central Europe Dance Theatre, Bunker, Croatian Institute for Movement and Dance – Hrvatski institut za pokret i ples – HIPP,  M STUDIO, Moira Cultural and Youth Association oraz Vitlycke – Centre for Performing Arts

The project is organized within the framework of the Beyond Front@: Bridging Periphery programme financed by the Creative Europe program (2023-2026) and organized by Krakow Dance Theatre – Krakowski Teatr Tańca, Közép-Európa Táncszínház – Central Europe Dance Theatre, Bunker, Croatian Institute for Movement and Dance – Hrvatski institut za pokret i ples – HIPP, M Studio and Moira Cultural and Youth Association, Vitlycke – Centre for Performing Arts.

Sfinansowane ze środków UE. Wyrażone poglądy i opinie są jedynie opiniami autora lub autorów i niekoniecznie odzwierciedlają poglądy i opinie Unii Europejskiej lub Europejskiej Agencji
Wykonawczej ds. Edukacji i Kultury (EACEA). Unia Europejska ani EACEA nie ponoszą za nie odpowiedzialności.

Funded by EU funds. The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Executive Agency for Education and Culture (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the EACEA is responsible for them.

  • Type: Spektakle,Wydarzenia
  • Time: 23/06/2024 - 18:30 - 20:00
  • Venue:Kraków
  • Duration:90
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