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Maria Stangret. Playing Places

10/05/2023, 18:00 - 10/12/2023, 19:00
Plakat wystawy "Maria Stangret. Gra w miejsca"

Maria Stangret (1929–2020) was a painter, actress and writer. Her artistic career can be viewed as taking a position in relation to 20th-century art, to the avant-garde theatre of her husband – Tadeusz Kantor, to the art world and to emancipation of women.


“Maria Stangret. Playing Places”
Curator: Magdalena Ujma
Curatorial cooperation and coordination: Kamil Kuitkowski

Opening: 10 may, 2023, 6 PM
Opening hours: Tuesday – Sunday, 11 AM – 7 PM
May 11, 2023 – December 10, 2023

Place: CRICOTEKA, Nadwiślańska Street 2–4, Kraków
Facebook event
Exhibition catalogue.


There were discontinuities and breaks in her work on which she acutely commented: “I am not one of those artists who value consistence and regularity in their work, who must paint or, at least, correct something every day, otherwise the day would be wasted.”

The flat and studio were the two main places of hers. Then came the country house and hotel rooms. The flat and studio were united in her life into one space. As if stressing this union, the artist admitted: “I find it difficult to draw a dividing line between work and leisure.”

Remembered first of all as an eminent actress with the Cricot 2 Theatre, Stangret considered herself an artist, and she wrote in her free time. These separate trends in her creative work followed different paths and each required a place that was separate. As a painter she needed a studio of her own. As an actress she had to travel, to settle temporarily in various countries, on various continents. As a writer she was working on a novel – she wrote at home, between other activities. All her creative roles combined into one vibrant personality.


Playing Places aims to discover the traces left by Maria Stangret in the places she called her own. They finally allow the artist to step out of the shadow and occupy a well-deserved position in our memory.


Photographs from the apartment of Maria Stangret and Tadeusz Kantor on Spokojna Street in Cracow and their home in Hucisko. Photo by Korta Studio, by courtesy of Lech Stangret.

Curator: Magdalena Ujma
Curatorial cooperation and coordination: Kamil Kuitkowski
Conservatorial care: Joanna Gorzałczany
Editing, catalogue: Magdalena Link-Lenczowska
Lighting and multimedia: Mariusz Gąsior, Maciej Jagoda
Accessibility: Anna Bargiel, Anna Rejowska, Stowarzyszenie Dobrze
Accompanying programme: Anna Bargiel
Graphic design: Kuba Sowiński
Exhibition design: Parastudio
Promotion: Zofia Mikołajska, Maria Pieniążek


Collaboration: Wiktor Bury, Justyna Droń, Joanna Geroch, Piotr Golonka, Ewa Kaczmarczyk, Agata Klakla, Michał Lelek, Aldona Mikulska, Piotr Masoń, Paweł Mirocha, Andrea Nikolov, Agnieszka Oprządek, Marcin Orliński, Otio Studio, Małgorzata Paluch-Cybulska, Paweł Panic, Barbara Pasterak, Gerard Piasecki, Tomasz Pietrucha, Anna Pulit, Bogdan Renczyński, Starowicz Hudyma Radcowie Prawni s.c., Tomasz Stefaniak, Joanna Tarlaga, Agnieszka Tomczak, Aleksandra Treder, Krzysztof Wilk, Natalia Zarzecka, Natalia Żabińska.

Special thanks goes to Lech Stangret and Grzegorz Musiał, Andrzej Starmach, Stefan Szydłowski.


Partners and collaboration:
Fundacja im. Tadeusza Kantora, Galeria Foksal Mazowiecki Instytut Kultury

Media partners:
FormatNotes Na 6 TygodniRadio KrakówSZUMTVP3 KrakówTVP


  • Type: Wernisaże,Wystawy
  • Time: 10/05/2023 - 18:00 10/12/2023 - 19:00
  • Venue:CRICOTEKA, Nadwiślańska Street 2–4, Kraków
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