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“Hurr durr” by Karolina Jarzębak | Cloakroom Exhibition Program

Hurr durr – a term taken from internet forums, meaning great, usually unjustified outrage.

“Hurr durr”
Karolina Jarzębak
Opening: 10th September (Friday), 17:30
11.09 – 10.10.2021
Cloakroom exhibition programme

Cemeteries are more stories about remembering than about death. In fact, Kantor’s Theatre of Death itself is about the constant return to the past, memories, and about traumas that have never been healed.

“Hurr durr” is a term taken from internet forums, meaning great, usually unjustified indignation. Karolina Jarzębak’s exhibition is her institutional debut, remaining in dialogue with Kantor’s aesthetics and Cricoteka’s permanent exhibition. The artist explores visualities outside the mainstream – non-designer and non-Instagram, sometimes even embarrassing. “Hurr durr” provocatively suggests that these are what we are and these are what we will leave behind. Perhaps contemporary culture will leave behind not the ruins of skyscrapers, but rather a sad and funny meme or a fragment of an internet argument.


“Cloakroom” – The programme of the exhibitions is based on the examination and recognition in contemporary visual arts of the obvious or less easily recognizable connections with the work of Tadeusz Kantor and the aesthetics developed by him. The programme is based on intertwining, complementing and dialoguing threads and artists directly related to Tadeusz Kantor as well as names and figures of the young generation, freshly dynamizing the artistic reality.


Subsidized by the Ministry of Culture, National Heritage and Sports from the Fund for Cultural Promotion.

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