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La MaMa Umbria International

The 5th Master Acting Workshops feature two members of Tadeusz Kantor’s company, Cricot 2, sharing the performance process of this legendary company: Teresa Wełmińska and Andrzej Wełmiński; and renowned acting teacher Nicholas Wolcz, who will focus on “Mask and Identity.” The Acting Workshops begin July 29 and finish August 7.

A Bench on the Road

On February 20, 2015 in Summerhall -Edinburgh there took place the presentation of the first phase work results on the Bench on the Road show, according to the script by Laura Pasetti – an author and actress connected with Piccolo Teatro.

Free Admission Festival of European Funds in Cricoteka

As many as 35 institutions in 14 cities and towns of Malopolska, including Cricoteka opens its doors for the inhabitants of the region on 20-22 March. More information: The festival guests will be able to visit the new building Cricoteka for free, where can refer to the art and life of Tadeusz Kantor through […]

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