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The project entitled “Who Inspires Us? Tadeusz Kantor!” is aimed at showcasing Tadeusz Kantor’s work in the context of contemporary art – theatre, visual arts and music. The project, implemented in several stages throughout 2013 and 2014, will consist of exhibitions, performance art and publications.

The Book Lovers – Partners

Projec The Book Lovers subsidized by the Ministry of Culture and the National Heritage, The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Flemish Representation at the Belgian Embassy. Partners: Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, M HKA in Antwerp, Mondriaan Fonds. Media patronage: TVP Kultura, Polish Press Agency, Księgarnie Matras, Warsaw Insider, Radio Kraków, NOTES.NA.6.TYGODNI,

The Book Lovers

The Book Lovers is a systematic attempt to study the phenomenon of artist novels. There are some examples of artist novels in the 20th century, but it is in the last ten to fifteen years that an increasing number of artists have choosen the novel as an artistic medium. With The Book Lovers we intend […]

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