
In Cracow he organizes the Young Artists Group (a collective exhibition in 1943) and the Underground Independent Theatre where he stages Juliusz Słowacki’s Balladyna (1943), and Stanisław Wyspiański’s The Return of Odysseus (1944)  
For six months he collaborates with Andrzej Pronaszko at Teatr Stary in Cracow, where he restages Stanisław Wyspiański’s The Return of Odysseus. At Akademicki Teatr Rotunda he directs and stages the surrealistic play by Józef Czechowicz The Worthy and the Unworthy or The Mystery Play on a Tram. Prepares the stage designs for Tytus Czyżewski’s The Death of Faun and P. Corneille’s The Cid . Organizes the “Young Artists Group’s Exhibition” in Klub Literatów in Cracow. 
Cooperates with various Cracow’s theatres as a stage designer. Arround the middle of the year he gets in touch with an eminent director Leon Schiller and moves to Łódź in September where he briefly works as a stage designer for Teatr Wojska Polskiego. Arranges the next exhibition of the Young Artists Group and together with Mieczysław Porębski he writes the “magnified realism” Manifesto. From the Culture and Art Ministry receives a scholarship for a stay in France.
Half-year stay in Paris. After returning, appointed professor at the State School of Fine Arts in Cracow.
Organizes the great “Modern Art Exhibition” at Pałac Sztuki in Cracow, the first of a kind in Poland in the post-war period. Participates in exhibitions in Prague and New York City.
Together with Maria Jarema he stages and directs Pablo Neruda’s poem I Wish the Woodcutter Would Wake Up at a workers’ amateur theatre.
Relieved from his post as a professor at the State School of Fine Arts. All along the socialist realism period refuses to exhibit his paintings. Works as a stage designer at Teatr im. J. Słowackiego and Teatr Stary in Cracow. Creates sets and costumes for numerous plays.
Together with Maria Jarema and Kazimierz Mikulski organizes the avant-garde Cricot 2 Theatre in Cracow where he stages Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz’s play The Cuttle-Fish (premiere in 1956). With nine other painters participates in an exhibition at the Dom Plastyków in Cracow. Travels to Paris for one month.



Prepared by: Józef Chrobak

Translation by: Monika Kowalska, Karolina Mitka, Andrzej Kula

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