This year’s international festival of live art, PERFOMEDIA 2015, will take place in Cracow on 24-25th April. Some of the performances will take place at Cricoteka’s seat.



PERFOMEDIA, the international meeting of performers, was initiated in 1990 by EMILIO MORANDI, Italian painter, fitter, video artist and performer, curator of numerous exhibitions and participant of international art festivals, initiator of PULS/PLUS Group, co-founder of ZEROTRE Art Movement, owner of Artestudio Gallery and Museum of Contemporary Art in Ponte-Nossa Bergamo. In 2003 Morandi, together with a group of artists, accomplished a project called Brain Academy Apartment, which was included in the 50th Art Biennale in Venice. PERFOMEDIA 2015 is a result of a long-standing cooperation of Italian and Polish artists. Curators of the edition of international meetings of performers, which takes place in Cracow, are Emilio and Franca Morandi, Grażyna Borowik, intermedia artist, organizer of exhibitions, academic staff member and Aleksander Pieniek, painter, graphics editor, academic staff member.

Performance is a special kind of artistic statement allowing a direct relation between the creator-work and the spectator. The essence of performance, its matter, form, content and aim is the human being, his individual bodily and spiritual experiences, intellect and subconsciousness. Presence of the artist here and now, his real-time actions are a credible way of manifesting personal, social, political and cultural content. Without using the media, the meeting of the creator and the recipient allows to build the action based on elements of improvisation and to play with an existing context.

See the full program of the festival.



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