For persons with visual impariment

Information concerning the main building of Cricoteka in Nadwiślańska St.


Tram/bus stop: Plac Bohaterów Getta, tram & bus lines: 0, 3, 17, 19, 24, 74

At the tram/bust stop, walk down into the underpass and take the last staircase on the left to come out. Take a 90 degrees turn right – you are now in Bohaterów Getta Square.Walk across the square until you reach the façade of thetenement houses in Solna St., with your back to the tram line. Turn right and walk on, taking the second street to the left (Nadwiślańska St). Walk on the right side. After 400 metres you will reach the building of Cricoteka. The main entrance is at the end of the building, at the end of a low wall. After you pass by a black prism with information signs, take a 180 degree turn. After a couple of metres you will reach stairs leading down. Once you are down, pass through the automatic glass doors in front of you. The ticket office is on the left.

Tram/bus stop Korona – tram/bus lines: 0, 6, 8, 10, 13, 17, 19

From the tram/bus stop walk down Kalwaryjska St. towards Rynek Podgórski and turn left into Brodzińskiego St. At the end of the street turn right into Nadwiślańska St. and walk to the building of Cricoteka, situated on the left side of the street. Take the stairs down to the main entrance near Kładka Bernatka. Walk through automatic glass door to arrive at the ticket office on Level -1.

General information

On Level -1 you will find:

  • The information desk and the ticket office on the left.
  • Toilets in a small corridor on the left.
  • A staircase leading to the foyer, Theatre Hall and the Archive (Important notice! At present, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, from 12 June 2020 until further notice, this part of the building is not accessible for visitors. The access is blocked with tapes spread between the railings in the main lobby).
  • Opposite the information desk, behind glass doors, on the right, there is a self-service cloakroom and a staircase with an elevator equipped with Braille plates and a speakerphone.

On Level 3 you will find:

  • The Educational Hall, exhibition rooms and toilets (Important notice! At present, due to the epidemic, the only toilets in service are those situated on Level -1).

On Level 4 you will find:

  • The museum café.

During their visit in the building, persons with visual impairment can be accompanied by an assistance dog.

Due to the epidemic, the model of the building and other tactile aids (including those connected with particular exhibitions) are available solely upon prior notice. To arrange for their use, please contact our accessibility coordinator no less than two days prior to your planned visit.

There is an option of arranging a free guided tour with audio description, also for individual visitors. Live guided tours can be provided by six of our staff members, who have been trained to deliver audio description by the Culture Without Barriers Foundation.

If contacted in advance, we can offer you an assistant (e.g. to pick you up from the tram stop). If you require the help of an assistant, please contact our accessibility coordinators (contact information below).

We offer workshops for groups. Contact our accessibility coordinators to arrange dates and topics.

Anna Rejowska

 tel. 505 319 882 lub (12) 442 77 70 wew. 121

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