Workshops for organised groups

Come to our workshops, which are an effective and creative way to develop skills and broaden your knowledge about Tadeusz Kantor and his art. Instead of traditional museum narratives the participants are invited to discover Kantor’s art in a dynamic way and interpret it individually and creatively. The workshops, dedicated to both children and teenagers, draw on the rich legacy left by the author of Wielopole, Wielopole, while allowing to find inspiration for one’s own activities. The classes start with wordplay and go on to engage the participants through artistic or dramatic activities, discussions, looking at paintings and watching films or some particular tasks to be carried out individually or in groups. Finally, they consolidate the knowledge and allow for drawing one’s own conclusions. We offer topics for kindergartens as well as primary and secondary schools.


The cost of participation per group: 150 PLN

3 tutors at most are exempt from fees. One group can comprise up to 30 participants. Workshops for schools and kindergartens are run from Tuesday to Friday also in foreign languages exclusively upon earlier reservation. Reservation can be made by email:

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