Servants – Marionettes

Machine of Love and Death” (1978)

A production whose beginning is a recollection of what happened fifty years ago. In 1938 my first theatre – “The Death of Tintagiles” by Maeterlinck. The ending – in 1988. Three sinister automata. Year 1938. A recollection.”


Halczak, Anna and Pleśniarowicz, Krzysztof (ed.). Tadeusz Kantor. Przedmioty, klisze pamięci… [Tadeusz Kantor. Objects, Celluloid of Memory…] Wrocław: BWA, 1990, p. 25) 

Servants Drawing for a performance "Machine of Love and Death", 1987,  owned by the Museum of Marionettes, Palermo

Servants Drawing for a performance “Machine of Love and Death”, 1987, owned by the Museum of Marionettes, Palermo

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