“My Room” (2nd part)

Stage before the performance photo Bruno Wagner

Stage before the performance photo Bruno Wagner



The only place

in this world,

the world ruled by the ruthless laws of


and society;

the only place,

where the individual, 
policed by society, 
can hide, 
be a master of his fate and destiny. A POOR place, 
whose existence is constantly endangered


Why then

this “sacred place”, 
this HOME of mine

is exposed

on stage to the public?

These statements are not 
empty phrases or metaphors .
They are truth. 
My life and my destiny 
have always identified themselves with 
my works of art. A Work of Art. 
They have always realized themselves

in my work. They have always found

their solutions in it. 
My HOME has always been

and is my Work. 
The painting, the production, the theatre, the stage.

My “credo”:

the only complete truth

in art is 
a representation of one’s

own life, 
a disclosure of all its details 
w i t h o u t  s h a m e, 
a discovery

of one’s F A T E

and D E S T I N Y.

I have often explained

that the reasons for these processes 
are grounded neither in exhibitionism

nor in narcissism- 
but in the desire to strengthen

the “individual life”, 
in order to help it escape the destruction

by inhuman and horrible 
This can be done by adding 
one little word: my! 
to the “individual life”.

The boundary between the stage and the auditorium 
is the victory line, 
not to be crossed over,

not to be conquered. 
This world of collective 
and public

life stops

at this Maginot line.



(T. Kantor, 1990, manuscripts stored in the Archives of Cricoteka, No.: I/000142)


Translated by: Ludmila Ryba and Michal Kobialka

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