Krystyna Czerni’s book is a unique collection of textes including personal memories of the Author’s meetings with Tadeusz Kantor and quides to the artist’s creative work previously published in several languages. Analyses od Kantor’s paitings, enriched by his own extensive comments, are interwined with an accurate overview of the artist’s achievements in the field of theatre, ultimately revealing what Krystyna Czerni refers to as ‘the phenomenon of Tadeusz Kantor’s imagination’. The Author describes it in a sophisticated, yet immensely lucid language. The book also touches upon more delicate matters. It reveals the world of Kantor’s earliest years – a source of religious threads present in his art. It provides an analysis of the artist’s attitude towards the doctrine of Real Socialism and his later struggle with the apparatus of a Communist state. Artistic life of Tadeusz Kantor and members of the Krakow Group is set in the background of the narrative. „Tadeusz Kantor. Walking a Tightrope” is the first collection of texts written by Krystyna Czerni in the last twenty years. Their insightfulness, universality and passion provide new perspectives ófor the interpretation of Kantor’s work, to whom art was a’dead serious’ matter.
Krystyna Czerni “Tadeusz Kantor. Walking a Tightrope”
35.00 zł