Marriage by Nikolai Gogol
Topic: Marriage by Nikolai Gogol
Dates: 29 November – 9 December, 2012 (open show)
Place: Cricoteka, no. 5 Kanonicza Street, Krakow
Run by: Marie Vayssière & Ludmiła Ryba
Limit of participants: 10
Participants are asked to read the plays Marriage and The Government Inspector by Nikolai Gogol.
This comedy in two acts is – as Nikolai Gogol himself said – ‘quite an incredible event’. The well-known story talks about Agafya, a young – yet already 28-year-old – woman who has not yet found the perfect spouse. A matchmaker takes on the task, promising her hand to someone named Podkolyosin. The matchmaker, however, has a bent for business so she sends Agafya several other suitors at the same time…
Agafya becomes the object of incredible competition, in which love counts much less than the greed, lust and sex. In any case, the contest will end with a disaster!
This is where the whole farce lies – the very suspicious efforts of the matchmaker result, in fact, in a terrible series of marriage proposals. It is this grotesque repetition of proposals and the accompanying great disaster that is the subject of our interest. In our search we will try to develop some kind of mechanical theatre – imagine it or invent it. The themes of marriage and suitors will be treated as mechanisms of an absurd, cruel and sneering machine.
We will experiment using multiple games with suggestive repetitive themes. The actors and their acting will certainly have to be regarded as a series of clownish masks and monstrous, ridiculous puppets …
For it is a comedy on the edge of NOTHING…
Marie Vayssière, Ludmiła Ryba
The actress of the Cricot 2 Theatre from 1988 to 1992. She performed in Tadeusz Kantor’s productions I Shall Never Return and Today Is My Birthday. A participant of theatre workshops conducted by Tadeusz Kantor at the Institut International de la Marionette in Charleville- Mézières (completed with a cricotage Very Short Lesson, 1988), and later Tadeusz Kantor’s assistant during his work on Silent Night in Avignon (1990).
Founder of the Compagnie du Singulier theatre in Paris. A director of e.g.: Report for the Academy by Franz Kafka with the El Hakawati group in the Palestinian National Theatre (1992), Le Pleure-Misère by Flann O’Brien (1992), En Passant, an adaptation of Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche (1994), Barbe Bleue by Georg Trakl (1997) – presented in Gdańsk and Warsaw (2000), Il faut faire plaisir aux clients based on Book III and IV by François Rabelais (2000), L’art de la comédie by Eduardo de Filippo (2006), Lampedusa Beach by Lina Prosa (2007), Tartarin aux Pieds Raconte Nickelés based on the novel by Alphons Daudet (2010). Conducted a number of workshops in the Drama School at the Théâtre National de Bretagne in Rennes, ENSATT in Lyon and in the Drama School at the Theatre National in Strasbourg – Le Marin by Fernando Pessoa (1996), Alfred Jarry’s Ubu the King (2000), Il cilindro by Eduardo de Filippo (2002), The Screens by Jean Genet (2006), Water Hen by St. I. Witkiewicz (2009).
Since 2009 he has been teaching at the Department of Theatre at the Université Aix-Marseille.
In 2011, together with Stephan Nota, she made a documentary 1 + 1 = 0. Une très courte leçon dedicated to Tadeusz Kantor’s workshop on cricotage Very Short Lesson in Charleville-Mezieres.
Cricot 2 Theatre’s actress and Tadeusz Kantor’s interpreter from 1979 and 1992. She performed in Tadeusz Kantor’s productions Wielopole, Wielopole, Machine of Love and Death, I Shall Never Return and Today Is My Birthday. Tadeusz Kantor’s interpreter during his drama workshops in Milan (Civica Scuola d’Arte Drammatica, 1986), and then his assistant during works on the cricotage Silent Night in Avignon (1990).
She worked with Roman Siwulak during his workshops in Civica Scuola d’Arte Drammatica (Milan, 1992) and the performance Magellan in La Fonderie (Le Mans, France, 1996). Since 1994 she has been working with the Compagnie du Singulier theatre. She performed in productions En passant, Barbe Bleue, Il faut faire plaisir aux clients, Tartarin de Tarascon, Lampedusa Beach. Marie Vayssière’s assistant in a series of workshops in the Drama School TNB (Rennes, France).
Ran drama workshops with e.g. Mises en Scène group (Avignon, 2000), in the Centre for Performance Research (Aberystwyth, UK, 2002), at the Department of Theater at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis in collaboration with Prof. Michał Kobiałka (1998, 2000), in Città del Teatro di Cascina (Pisa, 2008), in CIFAS (Brussels, 2009), at Brown University (Providence, USA, 2010), with the Brazilian theatre group Compania Antropofagica (Sao Paulo, 2010 and 2012), and with Marie Vayssière in the Krzysztofory Gallery (Krakow, 2008). She directed The Dybbuk based on the play by S. An-sky (2004) and Notes of the Black Bird – texts by Franz Kafka, Aeschylus and Dante (2007).
Outside the theatre she also translates Polish literature into Italian.
Workshops organised as part of The Migratory Museum project.
Project The Migratory Museum subsidized by the Ministry of Culture and the National Heritage.
Partners: National Museum in Krakow, Barka Alrina, Institut International de la Marionnette de Charleville-Mézières, Région Champagne-Ardenne ORCCA, Instytut Historii Sztuki UJ.
Media patronage: Radio Kraków,,, E-splot.