Guided tour of the exhibition

30 April 2017, 11 a.m.
Free admission, bookings required: or (12) 442 77 70.


fot. StudioFILMLOVE

fot. StudioFILMLOVE

In the year dedicated to celebration of the 100th anniversary of Polish avant-garde, Cricoteka wishes to focus on the exhibition of the work by Tadeusz Kantor and the artists associated with Cricot 2 Theatre that took place in 1979 at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome. The show was part of “L’avanguardia polacca 1918–1978. S.I. Witkiewicz, costruttivismo, artisti contemporanei” (“Polish Avant-Garde 1918–1978. S.I. Witkiewicz, Constructivsts, Contempoary Artists”), an exhibition organized by Ryszard Stanisławski and the Muzeum Sztuki in Łódź.
The organizers of the Rome exhibition counted Tadeusz Kantor and Cricot 2-related creators among the leading Polish avant-garde artists. Appreciating their gesture Cricoteka has decided to stage an exhibition inspired by the 1979 show, based on the plans of the previous exposition as well as photographic and film documentation. The Kraków display contains artworks selected from those exhibited almost 40 years ago in Rome. A different arrangement and new focal points reveal a fresh approach of the project’s authors to Kantor’s conception and establish new relationships between the works.

The exhibition is part of the project Tadeusz Kantor and the Artists from the Cricot 2 Theatre Circle as well as Rome and New York Contexts of Kantor’s Presence, run by Cricoteka in 2016–2017.


Tadeusz Kantor © Maria Kantor, Dorota Krakowska

Exhibition is presented in conjunction with the 100th anniversary of Polish avant-garde



Partner: Staromiejskie Centrum Kultury Młodzieży w Krakowie

Media patrons: Magazyn SZUM, Kwartalnik „Konteksty”, Enter the Room,, Lounge Magazyn, TVP3 Kraków, TVP Kultura, Radio Kraków

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