At the centre of this year’s Playing with Kantor Festival is a relatively young country (having achieved independence in 1830), one with difficult history and complex identity, one that fosters its separateness seeing it as a wealth in its own right – Belgium. The theme of the festival, “doubleness,” is present at more than one […]
Agata Skwarczyńska’s ‘Anatomy lesson – reconfiguration’ is intended as a dialogue with Tadeusz Kantor’s happening, who returned to the staging of Rembrandt’s painting (‘The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp’) as many as four times. At the same time Skwarczynska’s performance is a new realisation in the catalogue of attempts to reconstruct the famous painting, an […]
PAIN GAME (second station) by mariia Lemperk is a circumperformative exhibition based on another edition of a participative, processual, and traveling project thathas been going on since 2023, and its documentation. 3.07–1.09 2024
“Rollercoaster” is a programme of modern dance presentations which, for the past seven years, has been organised by Cricoteka and Krakow Dance Theatre. The spectacles, chosen by the curators Paweł Łyskawa and Eryk Makohon, are presented from spring to winter. The theme of the 2024 programme is “Space”, one of the four motion factors, as […]
A theatrical experiment is before us, an attempt to look at Kantor’s last work from two perspectives: scientific and artistic. For six months, a group of people involved in theatre, dance or performance will be searching for meanings, possible scenarios and unrealized shifts in Tadeusz Kantor’s performance Today Is My Birthday. After participating in seminars […]