OBJECTS. Dimensions variable. Tadeusz Kantor Studio, Sienna 7/5, Kraków.
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GOD IN HACKNEY. Together with Andy Cooke. Music Performance, duration: 45 min. Theatre Bagatela, Sarego 7, Kraków. 7 AGES OF BRITAIN TEASER FACE. Sculpture, Film. Tadeusz Kantor Studio, Sienna 7/5, Kraków.
GRAPEFRIUT (1964). A series of performance instructions, reprint.
CARROT JOKES AND COGNITIVE LINGUISTICS. Together with Wladyslaw Chlopicki and Dorota Brzozowska. Performance, duration: 45 min. Theatre Bagatela, Sarego 7, Kraków.
CABARET ACT AND BRECHT ON MAGIC. Performance, duration: 30 min. Theatre Bagatela, Sarego 7, Kraków.
VARIOUS PROJECTIONS. Installation: plastic bucket, wooden stick, stone, branch from a tree, pedestal, single-channel video projection, sound. Dimensions variable. Duration: 7:51 min. Tadeusz Kantor Studio, Sienna 7/5, Kraków.
CALLING KANTOR FOR A PATTERN. PIECE IN THREE ACTS. Performance, duration: 30 min. Theatre Bagatela, Sarego 7, Kraków.
Radical languages an exciting new programme: art / performance / lectures to mark the forthcoming opening of the new home of The Centre for the Documentation of the Art of Tadeusz Kantor CRICOTEKA. 7th – 9th December, Krakow, Poland. Curated by: Maaike Gouwenberg and Joanna Zielinska. This exciting programme, including such artists as: Nicole Beutler, […]
See the documentation of the events organised as part of Radical Languages project. 7th – 9th December, Krakow, Poland. Curated by: Maaike Gouwenberg and Joanna Zielinska. The Radical Languages project proposes possible interpretations of Kantor’s radical, ground-breaking views on autonomous art and theatre in contemporary art discourse, and of his legacy in contemporary art practices. Exhibition […]
The Migratory Museum is an experimental project based on the idea of the ‘ecomuseum’ that emerged in Europe in the 1960s. Its objective is to present historical and cultural heritage in its natural context. Objects that have survived in their original surroundings are often put to new uses – they become stationary museums connected by a […]
17 November – 27 December – Tadeusz Kantor’s studio, ul. Sienna 7/5. The Museum of Longing and Failure run by Andrew Taggart and Chloe Lewis, Canadian artists based in Bergen, Norway, is a collecting entity solely dedicated to the exhibition and collection of small sculptural works that embody notions of longing and failure. Through collaborations […]
16 November 2012, Krakow, Poland. National Museum in Krakow. The Main Building – no. 1, 3 Maja Av. Organized by: Cricoteka and National Museum in Krakow. ‘I don’t believe that the history of art, especially the history of contemporary art, is merely […] a reflection of the process that shapes collective opinion. […] The history […]
What does Tadeusz Kantor’s theatre have in common with metalwork art and the prose of William Burroughs? Joanna Zielińska talking to Tomasz Kowalski on the occasion of the presentation of his drawings, in poster format, in urban space, during the 15 October – 4 November in Krakow (fragments). Part of the series The Migratory Museum.
The exhibition is the third instalment in a series of presentations of Cricoteka’s collection. It has been dedicated to the performance Today Is My Birthday, which Tadeusz Kantor worked on from October 1989 to early December 1990. The artist died after one of the last rehearsals for the production on 8 December 1990. Today is […]
In presenting Cricoteka’s new activity, we would like to invite you to participate in the unique drama workshops led by Cricot 2 Theatre actors. The workshops have been designed in order to enable the participation of both experienced actors and those who have not yet had the opportunity to confront theatrical practice.
The photos from the exhibition ‘Today Is My Birthday’, Cricoteka Archives, no. 5 Kanonicza Street, Krakow. Photo: Marcin Gromczakiewicz
From 22 May to 27 October, the Israel Museum in Jerusalem presents an exhibition Beuys | Kantor: Remembering, dedicated to the figures of two outstanding artists of the twentieth century – Joseph Beuys and Tadeusz Kantor. The exhibition curators are Jaromir Jedliński and Suzanne Landau.
From 22 May to 27 October, the Israel Museum in Jerusalem presents an exhibition Beuys | Kantor: Remembering, dedicated to the figures of two outstanding artists of the twentieth century – Joseph Beuys and Tadeusz Kantor. The exhibition curators are Jaromir Jedliński and Suzanne Landau.
There have been numerous articles, books and academic studies describing the achievements of the creator of the Theatre of Death. The artist’s activities have frequently become the subject of conferences and symposia. The research into all activities of Tadeusz Kantor, conducted by Cricoteka, still allows for discoveries of unknown documents and materials which expand and […]