“Pages from the Book of…” at the festivals in Moldova and Romania

The spectacle Pages from the Book of… directed by Teresa and Andrzej Welminski and performed by the Cricot 2 Theatre artists (Andrzej Wełminski, Teresa Wełminski, Andrzej Kowalczyk) together with the international 3 Arangement group, inspired by the works of Bruno Schulz  will be presented at the festivals in Moldova and Romania.



June 5
The spectacle to be presented within the scope of the International Festival of Scenic Arts BITEI – 2016 Edition XII  in Chisinau, Moldova – stage of the ,,A. P. Cehov” Drama Theatre, 16.00 hrs


June 8
The spectacle to be presented within the scope of the International Festival BABEL F.A.S.T. 2016 in Tony Bulandra Theatre in Targoviste, Romania; 19.00 hrs.


June 10, 11
Pages from the Book of…  to be presented twice during the International Theatre Festival in Sibiu, Romania. Gong Theatre, on Friday at 16.00 hrs & on Saturday at 18.00 hrs.





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