Goplana and Elves

Goplana and Elves "Balladyna", 1943, reconstructed in the early 1980s, owned by Cricoteka

Goplana and Elves “Balladyna”, 1943, reconstructed in the early 1980s, owned by Cricoteka

Wartime. Year 1942

The Underground Theatre. Goplana, the beautiful Slavonic Nymph, was replaced with an  ominous TOTEM made of iron.


(Kantor, Tadeusz. Przedmioty, klisze pamięci . . . [Objects, Celluloid of Memory . . .] ed. by Anna Halczak, Krzysztof Pleśniarowicz. Wrocław: BWA, 1990, p. 11) 

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