Csk-Centro Studi Kantoriano in Milano

Csk-Centro Studi Kantoriano was born on the idea of Marta Calcagno Baldini in January 2014 on Università degli Studi di Milano to create a sure point to study Kantor’s artistic work. The centre mission is to in one way to examine in depth Kantor’s art by organizing conferences on University, courses with students  and degree thesis. On the other side we would like to organize exhibitions and conventions also collaborating with museums and other cultural locations in Italy.

Csk-Centro Studi Kantoriano already had organized two laboratories in May: “The actor in Kantor’s room- Memory, Illusion-Method, from Dott. Luigi Arpini, 16-20  March 2015 and “Tadeusz Kantor’s theatre, reality is released”, from Giovanni Battista Storti, Kantor’s actor from 1980-’87: in this laboratory, 20-24 April for the first time in Università Statale di Milano. Students were invited to learn some particular aspects of Kantor’s work, for exaple the relation between the actor and the object.

More information: www.unimi.it

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