Kantor – Notes

Directed by: Teresa & Andrzej Welminski

Directed by: Teresa & Andrzej Welminski

Directed by: Andrzej Welminski

Directed by: Andrzej Welminski

To commemorate UNESCO’s Year of Tadeusz Kantor, artistic and research residences have been made available in the places the great master worked in. Applications are open to artists from outside Poland that want to create a dialogue with Kantor’s work using contemporary methods.

Csk-Centro Studi Kantoriano was born on the idea of Marta Calcagno Baldini in January 2014 on Università degli Studi di Milano to create a sure point to study Kantor’s artistic work.

directed by Teresa & Andrzej Wełmiński

directed by Teresa & Andrzej Wełmiński

The 5th Master Acting Workshops feature two members of Tadeusz Kantor’s company, Cricot 2, sharing the performance process of this legendary company: Teresa Wełmińska and Andrzej Wełmiński; and renowned acting teacher Nicholas Wolcz, who will focus on “Mask and Identity.” The Acting Workshops begin July 29 and finish August 7.

On 6 April 2015, at 5pm, in the “Art Club” Studio of the Cluj-Napoca National Theatre, Andrej and Teresa Welminski invite you to a public meeting, celebrating 100 years since the birth of Tadeusz Kantor.

Introductory workshop in issues related to the diversity of functions and meanings of objects in the performing arts as well as ways of their formation and use on the stage.

On February 20, 2015 in Summerhall -Edinburgh there took place the presentation of the first phase work results on the Bench on the Road show, according to the script by Laura Pasetti – an author and actress connected with Piccolo Teatro.

The Legacy of Kantor in Scotland is a collaborative project between the RSA, the University of Dundee, the National Galleries of Scotland, The Demarco Archive and Hidden Doors. The project is supported by CULTURE.PL, The Henry Moore Foundation and The Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Edinburgh.

Cricoteka is a partner of the scientific session dedicated to the Theatre of Tadeusz Kantor, Jozef Szajna and Jerzy Grotowski at the Festival Prima Materia.

In January, February and March 2015, through talks, readings, discussions, performances, workshops, film screenings and an exhibition of student work, Studium Generale Rietveld Academie & Rietveld Uncut are collaborating on an extensive, artistic research trajectory with participation of Joanna Zielińska.

01.09.2014 – 11.09.2014 Leuven, Belgium Conducted by Teresa i Andrzej Wełmińscy In the first 2 weeks of September, Andrzej and Teresa Welminski, famous actors of Tadeusz Kantor’s Theatre Cricot 2 in Cracow (Poland), held a workshop at Luca, the theatre school of the Lemmens Institute in Leuven, Belgium. This workshop ended with a performance, entitled ‘Ashes’. From October […]

Katarzyna Fazan, Anna Róża Burzyńska, Marta Bryś (eds.), translated by Anda MacBride, Peter Lang International Academic Publisher

Creating Cricoteka requires being aware that this will be an unprecedented centre, uniting in its form and function: -the visual sphere /exhibition, collections, reconstructions of stage situations/, -the research and archives sphere /archives, reading room/, -the didactic sphere /lectures, studio workshops, experimental atelier/, – simultaneously leaving space for live artistic events. Only when CRICOTEKA is […]